Call for papers

The Call for papers is now open. Authors can submit their abstract regarding one of the following topics before 21 April.

Call for abstracts

The call for abstracts is now open. Authors are invited to submit an abstract by 21 April, 2023.

All proposals must be submitted online via the submission website (go to "Submit an abstract or edit your submissions"):

Mandatory template : docx version / Latex version

Abstracts should be submitted as a one page (text and figures) PDF document for 21 April 2023. They should emphasise the main points and novel features of the work, including results. They should be submitted in PDF format directly via the submission website. Please use the template, Word and LaTeX versions are available above this page.

Authors of papers presented at the conference will be invited to submit an extended paper by 31 December 2023. A selection of the best extended papers will be published in a special issue of International Journal of Numerical Modelling.

Both abstracts and extended papers will be peer reviewed.

Preferential subjects

  • Topic 1: Mathematical models and associated discretization methods

Formulations for electromagnetic modelling in various regimes, from quasistatic fields to wave scattering and optics, multiphysic couplings, stochastic and multiscale approaches, Finite element, finite difference and integral methods, asymptotic techniques, …
  • Topic 2: Material modelling

Soft and hard magnetic materials, hysteresis, micromagnetism, superconductors, composite and microstructured materials, metamaterials, …
  • Topic 3: Efficient computational techniques

Fast solvers for electromagnetic applications, parallel and GPU computing, visualization and post-processing, software architecture, AI and machine-learning technologies,…
  • Topic 4: Design and optimization

Inverse problems, optimisation, sensitivity analysis, error estimation, uncertainty quantification, …
  • Topic 5: Applications

Electrical machines, power systems and energy storage, power electronic components, electromagnetic processing of materials, electromagnetic compatibility, RF circuits, antennas, microelectromechanical systems, nano devices, photonics, bioelectromagnetism, …

How to submit your abstract

  • Create an account on the ConfTool platform
  • Enter your Conftool account and fill in your personal information
  • Go to “Submit your proposal(s)” and select the Topic you would like to contribute to
  • Fill in the submission form and sign the copyright form
  • Upload your abstract in PDF format. Please do not forget to use the mandatory template:
  • Click on “Upload File(s) and Save Submission”